I wish I could draw.MOTHER
You can write.BOY
I know I can write. I wish I could draw.MOTHER
You draw with your words.Pause. The BOY looks at her - a hard, almost angry look.
It's not the same thing.MOTHER
Anyone can draw--BOY
Anyone can write--MOTHER
It takes talent to write.BOY
It takes talent to draw. MOTHER
Listen: [she kneels down in front of him] You are a beautiful, talented young man, and you can draw, if you just practice, I know you can do it.BOY
You don't know anything.MOTHER slaps him in the face. Pause.
I'm sorry.BOY
I hate you!BOY runs off. Stops at the door, turns back.
[choking back tears]
I wish...I wish...MOTHER
I know, you wish you could draw.BOY
I wish I lived with dad!!!BOY exits; MOTHER puts her head in her hands.
[to herself]
Why is it every tender moment has to turn out like this?Blackout.